Elminster Aumar, Chosen of Mystra, invites you to explore the grandest repository of knowledge in the Forgotten Realms: Candlekeep, the Library Fortress! The Sage of Shadowdale has assembled this companion to help seekers of wisdom navigate the Castle of Tomes. Be warned! Elminster requests that you bring a suitable entrance gift, lest you be turned away at the front gates.
What’s in the book?
This book is the definitive guide to Candlekeep and includes:
- the first-ever comprehensive map of Candlekeep!
- a history and overview of Candlekeep
- new variant rules
- 26 new magic items
- 11 new creatures found in the library fortress
- 4 our new D&D 5e subclass options
- 34 new spells
- stories involving the Castle of Tomes and the lore held within
- also includes an adventure for use in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, written by M.T. Black.

Book collaborators
Table top roleplaying books are labors of love and no books would be possible without the work of many fantastic creators.
- Lead Designers: Justice Arman, Anthony Joyce
- Designers: Trevor Armstrong, M.T. Black, Jeremy Forbing, Laura Hirsbrunner, and Ed Greenwood
- Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner
- Graphic Designer: Gordon McAlpin
- Cover and Interior Art: Bob Greyvenstein
- Cartography: Marco Bernardini
- Creative Consultants: Teos Abadía, Enrique Bertran, M.T. Black, and Ed Greenwood